Preschool Program

Our preschool classroom provides care to children 3 to 4 years of age.  The classroom provides structure, routine, and consistency to preschoolers as they learn to play and interact appropriately with others.  This is the age where children are learning their boundaries and what is socially acceptable and what is not.  The teacher’s guide the children in making appropriate choices and interacting with those around them.  They also demonstrate and encourage play with various materials.  The teachers in our preschool classroom help the children build on their self-help skills, social experiences, fine and gross motor abilities and cognitive development.


Three-year-olds are able to solve more and more problems, figure out unique ways to do something, and want to find out why – a lot! Learning Beyond helps you become a strong model, allowing children time to try and work through challenges while you ask important questions or provide support to children’s learning. Children’s skills in all developmental areas grow with these continued opportunities to be actively engaged in their learning and trusted as a learner. Learning Beyond provides quarterly benchmarks to help you stay focused on age-appropriate growth and excited learners.


Preschool Daily Schedule