Toddler Program

Our toddler classroom provides care to children 16 months through 36 months (3years) of age.  The classroom provides structure, routine and consistency to toddlers.  This is the age where the children learn how to be an individual and make their own decisions.  The teacher’s guide the children in making appropriate choices and interacting with those around them.  They also demonstrate and encourage play with various materials.  The teachers in the toddler classroom help to foster the natural curiosity and imagination in each child.  This classroom also provides assistance in potty training your child and teaching them the self-help skills they need to move on to the preschool classroom.


The ages of 12 to 24 months bring about a flurry of activity, movement, language, and initial steps of independence as young toddlers continue their growth and learning. Everything is new and exciting, or a bit challenging and frustrating to toddlers. As a teacher of young toddlers, Learning Beyond helps by including practical, concrete learning opportunities for young toddlers while giving you as the teacher the knowledge to know if each child is at their developmental level, requires more opportunities for practice and your encouragement, and how a single activity can meet the needs of many young toddlers when teacher expectations are consistent with the child’s age. Learning Beyond focuses on building practical skills, language, social and emotional learning – all with relationship-focused teaching and care at the heart.


“I’m 2 now!” From 24 to 36 months, older toddlers show more and more independence when they have opportunities to do things for themselves and have logical consequences. Older toddlers are learning from their behaviors and choices, trying lots of new things, getting messy, and learning how to clean up. The “I” is strong with older toddlers as they begin friendships, strengthen relationships with teachers and other important adults, learn how to talk and communicate in more sophisticated ways, and have many chances to try experiences and activities under the supportive connection with you – their teachers! Learning Beyond helps you focus on scaffolding children’s learning, your interactions and ways to build children’s knowledge, and giving children choices and options to empower them.



Toddler Daily Schedule